TOOL: The Light Stream Technique
Every single person on this earth is going to experience moments of heightened emotions.
The ways in which we manage these emotions is what separates healthy coping from dysfunctional crutches that lead us down a path of poor mental health.
This technique is designed to help us slow down in a mindful moment and calm any emotional activation in our bodies.
LEARNING to regulate your nervous system and calm your body
First, think of a colour that represents a peaceful, calming energy
Imagine there is un unending supply of the peaceful, calming colour available to you, and imagine it pouring into your body from the top of your head
Imagine this peaceful, calming colour slowly flowing downwards, filling all parts of your body.
Imagine this peaceful, calming colour filling up your toes, calves, thighs, abdomen.
Imagine this peaceful, calming colour flowing all the way down to the tips of your fingers, filling your arms, shoulders, and neck.
Imagine this peaceful, calming colour filling your entire body, an unending supply of peaceful, calming energy available to you
Take a moment to bask in the calmness of this healing light.
The path to healing starts with awareness, and awareness, at times, can be difficult. Build your coping tool box and allow yourself the space to explore, one small step at a time.
The power to find wholeness is within you.